What is SaaS, and what are the largest SaaS companies hiring today?
A software as a service company, which is according to a Hubspot report the largest growing market segment since 2019, is a company providing tools or solutions that are delivered over the Internet using cloud technology. This enables an end user to access a service via their own Internet browser. In the past, software was typically downloaded to a user’s machine and ran on a local basis. The advent of SaaS software has enabled users to utilize software via a subscription/license based model that ties a user’s access to a product via the public Internet.
There are three different “as a service” models that exist in cloud computing to day. Software as a Service, Infrastructure as a Service and Platform as a Service. SaaS product customers are usually B2B or B2C.
In short, a company will generally deploy their application to the cloud via their own servers or a public cloud service such as AWS or Google Cloud Platform, hosted in a provider’s data center. This enables a company to enjoy the benefits of the performant and tuned infrastructure, as opposed to an on-premise environment previously preferred by most early stage SaaS companies.
One benefit of Saas is that it enables a company to tie their own product to a third party solution, either via API connectivity or through 3rd-party services hosted within the same data center.
Some benefits of Saas include:
- scalable use — a cloud provider has offerings that allow customers to scale out automatically according to user demand. For example, if a customer’s web server is under considerable user load, cloud provider’s have tooling that autoscales infrastructure to accommodate the short-term need
- pricing — typically this is cheaper. a cloud provider has negotiated agreements for hardware and networking resources that are likely to have already have benefitted from economies of scale having been negotiated
- security and infrastructure — cloud providers bake this in to their pricing and, typically, having teams dedicated to deal with security issues such as patching and compliance
- ease of use — the pain and hassle of deploying and installing physical hardware is handled by the cloud provider so that a SaaS company can focus on their own core business, building a product for end users
Now that we’ve explained Saas, let’s talk about what Careersaas has been built to provide our own users.
In the recruitment industry today, there are a series of chains of inefficiencies that are likely to be optimized over the next decade. For one, companies (and their recruitment teams) struggle to find the best talent on the market. A company advertising their own positions uses LinkedIn or other tools such as Indeed.com to find candidates. This in itself can be a problem. The best candidates on the market are not always actively looking for a new position, and at times job posts do not capture candidates as the role is only captured with a single job title. If a job seeker is only searching one title, they may miss out on a role that is suited to their skills and experience.
How Careersaas seeks to solve these two issues
- Recruiters — have you ever noticed on LinkedIn obscure consultancy companies advertising interesting jobs? or noticed that the same job has been reposted from an actual company via a recruitment/consultancy company? We will explain how this model works. Generally, a recruitment company will hire a series of consultants (often fresh-graduates or inexperienced sales people) to locate a role from an actual company, let’s say for example Amazon, and re-post the job excluding a company name on their site. These consultancy companies then scour LinkedIn to find candidates matching skills required for a role, and then attempt to connect the recruiter and a potential candidate. For this “connection”, recruitment companies generally charge 20–30% of an entire year’s salary! The hiring company takes on this burden.
Careersaas only posts the same job once and is a recruiter-free zone.
Our business model is to build tooling that connects the hiring manager and the employee via skills, preferences and experience, as well as CV tools that we are set to build at a later date.
Therefore, with Careersaas, you’re going to see the true and actual picture of what’s happening on the job market - Job titles — if you’re searching for a Java Developer role, but there’s a Software Engineer role live on the internet, LinkedIn does not provide necessarily return these opportunities in search.
With Careersaas, all of our roles have an embedded “one-to-many” algorithm, where we match jobs to careers. Jobs and Careers are two distinct things. A job is a position with a particular company, but a Career is an entire set of job titles all with the same or similar roles and responsibilities.
Careersaas’ core technology enables you, a user, to access our Career search algorithm with every keyword search you run.
So, now that we’ve told you about what Saas is, what Careersaas is, let’s look at a handful of the top five Saas companies in the world and how many jobs they have on Careersaas today.
- Salesforce
Salesforce is the world’s number one CRM (Customer Relationship Management) platform, founded in 2001. This has helped companies build better relationships with their customers through automated tooling. Unlike any other competitor, their platform is packed with features and integrations from other services, providing an all in one service for CRM users.
Today in Careersaas, as of April 2021, Salesforce has a total of 2125 jobs available on our platform - Microsoft
One of the world’s largest companies, famous since the days of MS-DOS and Windows, is headquartered out of Seattle and today continues to acquire and build dozens of Saas platforms under the Microsoft umbrella.
With over 9000 roles, Microsoft is one of the world’s largest employers in the Saas space. - Adobe
More famous for graphic software such as Photoshop and CAD, Adobe is one of the world’s fastest growing companies. With the company having moved in to a variety of different areas in the Saas space, and having converted their business to perpetual and cloud over the last 5 years, Adobe is employing hundreds of staff as of April 2021.
https://app.careersaas.com/portal/company-profile.html?acc_id=bc8f22696ada7685191a11a8e3206f775342afc7 - Slack
Although recently acquired by Salesforce, Slack has grown at enormous pace to become one of the world’s largest Saas companies. Providing communication and chat software via a cloud service, Slack has become the de-facto leader in the enterprise chat space.
With 400 jobs on Careersaas, Slack are actively hiring some of the world’s best software engineering talent. - Zendesk
Providing customer service tools such as support and chat functions, Zendesk, headquartered out of San Francisco, currently has 451 roles available on the Careersaas platform today.
If you’re looking for jobs in saas, Careersaas has over 900,000 companies from which to locate jobs from. Our platform continues to add new companies each day and has become the world’s largest job database in just under a year. Come join for free today or learn more about our services.