The best way to keep track of your job applications

3 min readJul 25, 2021


Searching for a new job can at times be a very frustrating experience.

LinkedIn is a battleground full of job seekers, hungry recruiters and hundreds of thousands of job posts on a platform that has become a social network first and a job site second. For that reason, logging in to LinkedIn can be a disheartening experience for those looking for work.

Careersaas was born out of these frustrations and focuses on the job seeker, providing an alternative to LinkedIn that rewards applicants with information regarding companies, job posts and careers; leaving persistent recruiters off of the platform.

How to track your job applications


For many, using Excel is the quickest and easiest way to track your job search. An Excel spreadsheet can help you stay organized in the job application process. Columns recommended are company name, recruiter name (if available), job description, company address, position that you’re applying for, the date that you applied and the current state of your application.

The Muse has created an excellent template for tracking the progress of your job applications. This will help you save time and keep you well-organized.


Clicking Save within Linkedin will keep a position in the LinkedIn Saved Jobs section.

Keep an eye out for the “Save” button for companies that are actively recruiting.

LinkedIn does not offer many features that enable users to track the process of their job application, but the Saved Jobs feature is handy to remind yourself of your current submissions.

Pressing “Applied” will put the position in to a different state on the Saved Jobs page on LinkedIn

For those who purchase the Premium subscription to LinkedIn, there are features that allow you to reach out to a recruiter directly and thus the LinkedIn Inbox can also become a landmine when trying to stay well organized, but for some and those familiar with the platform the LinkedIn Inbox can be incredibly helpful for staying on top of each application’s process.


The Job Application Tracker in Careersaas has been designed to make the whole process less confusing and disheartening.

When you identify a position for which you would like to keep a note, or begin the application process for, click the Star button on any of the Job Search pages in the platform.

Jobs can be saved to the Application Tracker when starring a role

Once saved, the position will be labelled with a tick box.

If you look at the the top right hand corner of Careersaas’ Portal — you will see the Apply button.

From the Apply section, you’ll be able to select a state within the job process. For example, “Interview Scheduled” or “Awaiting Feedback”. In addition to that, we’ve also added a handy checkbox to select whether or not you’ve applied for the role yet.

Careersaas Job Application Tracker

An even more useful feature is Careersaas’ powerful tool that actively monitors the state of a job post and notifies you directly if the position has been removed from the Internet or filled. This can save a ton of time for job seekers who may be looking for updates from the company with regards to their own application.



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